The processing of quality black pepper contains many steps highly depending on pre-drying treatment and drying method. Initially, farmers harvest the green peppercorn from their farms. They have to follow the standard to ensure the pepper reaches the highest quality. Farmers only harvest when the ripe rate of pepper fruits on a bunch reaches 5 – 10%, this rate is for making black pepper.
After the farmers have handpicked them, the pepper berries, are transported to the company’s central processing facility for threshing, blanching (dipping in boiled water) and drying under the open sun. We spread pepper berries out on raised concrete floors under the sun to absorb the heat. The berries get dried until they turn black, wrinkled and a final moisture content of 10 – 11% to prevent mold growth.
Now, black pepper undergoes multiple machine cleaning, resulting in a very low level of admixture, typically around 0.2% maximum and a uniform size.
Test each lot to ensure that it meets set quality standards.
Packaging is 25kg in a food grade polypropylene bag certified by the Tanzania Bureau Standards.
Containerization takes place under dry conditions. Ensure that history of container is revealed, clean and have the walls and ceiling covered with corrugated carton and fixed with moisture catchers to absorb moisture and avoid mould formation.